80% of women with an unexplained infertility diagnosis can conceive naturally.
Join 20+ doctors, researchers, and women's healthcare experts for real answers to "unexplained infertility," learn about restorative options to conceive naturally, and avoid invasive, expensive procedures like IUI and IVF.
Join the live online event May 25-27!
If your fertility treatments have been canceled or rescheduled due to Covid-19 shutdowns, you don't have to wait. In fact, you may not even need them.
During the Unexplained Infertility Summit, You'll Learn:
The effective, non-invasive medical approach to finding root causes of infertility
The truth about AMH and how you can still get pregnant with very low numbers
How to evaluate actual effectiveness rates of IVF compared to a restorative approach
The role of progesterone and how to advocate for meaningful testing
How to turn back the clock and improve egg quality in just a few cycles
Plus support for cycle charting, lifestyle changes, stress relief, navigating the emotional roller coaster, and more.
The most common causes of infertility are easily found and treated. Your doctor may not know how to do this, because shockingly it's not taught in medical schools.
"Unexplained infertility" is a failure to understand and discover a root cause.
It's a non-answer and women deserve better.
Learn how you can uncover and treat the root cause of infertility, avoid invasive, expensive procedures, and have a healthier body and pregnancy. Join the free Unexplained Infertility Summit May 25-27, 2020
Sessions + Speakers
Dr. Craig Turczynski
Former IVF Provider, Director of planning and development, Billings Ovulation Method Association-USA
Former IVF Doctor Shares an Inside Look
A behind the scenes look at the process of IVF, why one doctor left in favor of a restorative approach. Dr. Craig also discusses what the effectiveness rates shared by IVF clinics really mean.
Dr. Elisa Yao
Functional Medicine Physician
Founder of Fertility Breakthru Academy
How To Improve Egg Quality In Just A Few Cycles
Learn the difference between quantity and quality, where egg quality health actually occurs, and how you can begin improving it right now.
Dr. Monique Ruberu
NaProTECHNOLOGY Medical Consultant
Natural Womens Health LLC
The NaProTECHNOLOGY Approach to Unexplained Infertility
Learn how this women's health science uses cycle-targeting diagnostic testing to uncover root causes of infertility.
Dr. Martin Owen
Founder and CMO, Vitae Medical Solutions
What is Restorative Reproductive Medicine?
Learn about this approach to women's health that seeks to restore or optimize natural function without suppressing or bypassing the problem.
Natalie Masson, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist & Fertility Coach
Fertility From the Soul
When "Just Relax" Doesn't Cut It
Three types of meditation to calm your mind and body to boost your fertility and help you conceive naturally.
Amy Beckley
Ph.D., Pharmacology
Founder & Inventor of Proov Test
The Importance of Progesterone
Progesterone plays a vital role, even before conception occurs. Learn about the timeline of this vital hormone and how to make sure your body is producing enough.
Melissa Buchan
Neo Fertility Advisor
Founder, Virtus Fertility Care LLC
Chart Neo Developer
Cycle Charting:
Your Powerful Diagnostic Map
Learn how methodically charting your cycle empowers both you and your healthcare provider through the process of uncovering the root cause of infertility.
Dr. Phil Boyle
Founder, Neo Fertility
The Truth About Reduced Ovarian Reserve and AMH
If you have been told that you have too few eggs and your only hope is IVF, this session is for you. Learn what AMH really means and how you can conceive naturally even with very low numbers.
Kela Smith
Fertility and Hormones Coach
Author of The Hormone Puzzle Method-Solving Infertility
Overcoming Fertility Challenges With Lifestyle Changes
Coach Kela helps her clients heal infertility just like she did for herself -- through food, exercise, stress, and other important lifestyle habits. If you're interested in a non-medical approach, this session is for you.
Sophie Shepherd
FDN-P, Founder of SHE
The Link Between Digestion & Fertility
A fascinating look at the digestive system and its relationship to reproductive health.
Mary Bruno
Creighton Practitioner
A Personal Journey Through Unexplained Infertility Into Helping Others
Mary shares her 20-year journey through pain, frustration, non-answers, and infertility to parenthood through adoption and helping others as a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner.
Mary Martin
Vanessa Lamaro
Fertility Specialist Naturopaths
Creators of The Baby Builders
Authors of "Easy Natural Fertility Solutions for Unexplained Infertility"
How Everyday Environmental Toxins Influence Fertility Health...And What To Do About It
A discussion between two naturopaths about the most common everyday toxins that affect affect fertility.
Dr. Karen Poehailos, MD, CFCMC
NaProTECHNOLOGY Medical Consultant
Regional Medical Director Thrive Central VA Women's Healthcare
Progesterone & Pregnancy: Rethinking The Normalcy of Miscarriage
Progesterone support for preconception and early pregnancy support
Garry W. Lambert, D.O.
Anemos Medical Consulting and Natural Fertility Care
Acupuncture As A Complementary Treatment for SubFertility
Learn how the eastern medicine practice of acupuncture can integrate with a western medicine approach to restore fertility.
Kirsten Karchmer
CEO/Founder, Brazen
Health tech pioneer and author of Seeing Red
Explaining Unexplained Infertility
This session offers a simple, straightforward look at how we can use knowledge of the menstrual cycle to begin explaining unexplained infertility.
Dr. Pierre Cloutier
Medical Doctor, extensive practice in optimal physiology and bio identical hormones
When And How To Supplement Testosterone for Male Health & Fertility
Learn about the health and quality of life effects of low testosterone, and how to safely and effectively supplement.
Megan Ethridge
Lauren Hubele
Family Health Educators
Gemmotherapy For Reproductive Health
Learn about this little-known form of herbal medicine and how it can be used to help restore reproductive health.
Sherisa Rivera
Founder of Fertility in Colour
A Personal Journey of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Into Helping Others
How one woman has turned her heartbreaking experience through 5 miscarriages toward a mission that no one ever feels alone in this journey..
Sylvia Kang
Mira, CEO
Navigating PCOS and Unexplained Infertility
This session identifies the 4 types of PCOS and what you can do to navigate fertility around this extremely common condition.
Kara Zick
Licensed Midwife, Vibrant Health and Healing
Viruses: Hidden Cause of Infertility
Kara shares studies that explore hidden viruses as potential causes in both male and female factor infertility.
Kirsten Karchmer
CEO/Founder, Brazen
Health tech pioneer and author of Seeing Red
The Way We Think Matters
How changing thought habits can help you move away from surviving and into creating.
Dr. Craig Turczynski
Former IVF Provider, Director of planning and development, Billings Ovulation Method Association-USA
Effectiveness of IVF Compared to Restorative Reproductive Medicine
Dr. Craig unpacks effectiveness and statistics and discusses other factors to consider when deciding between IVF and a restorative approach.
Marc Sherman
Founder of Organic Conceptions
The Nine Key Emotional Transitions of Fertility
Learn about the first-ever research project to uncover the nine key emotional transitions of fertility and an evidence based approach to how your body is affected by your psychology.
Lauren Rubal, M.D.
Reproductive Endocrinologist, Former IVF Provider
Silent Effects of Different Factors on the Menstrual Cycle and Fertility
Dr. Rubal dives into a few of the "silent" causes of infertility.
Dr. Mary Davenport
Medical DIrector. Magnificat Maternal Health
Insulin Resistance as a Treatable Cause of Infertility and Miscarriage
Dr. Davenport dives into understanding insulin's role in the body and how it could be a major factor for infertility.
Dr. Marcia Schaefer
Doctor of Chiropractic,
The Importance of Preconception Health and Epigenetics to Fertility
Learn how improving overall health not only can heal infertility but has long-term effects on the health of children and future generations.
Shilo Stigen
CFO, Mystical Rose OB/GYN-
Theresa Stigen MD
Cost Comparison of NaProTECHNOLOGY vs IVF
Learn how a restorative approach to unexplained infertility compares financially to the assisted reproductive technology of IVF
Learn how you can uncover and treat the root cause of infertility, avoid invasive, expensive procedures, and have a healthier body and pregnancy.
Join the free Unexplained Infertility Summit May 25-27, 2020